Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fixing MIME type bug in Nokia Publish

Nokia Publish developers, who had published MeeGo/Maemo debian file under Qt content item would know that a recent bug has caused the website to reject upload of new updated deb files.

Here's how you can fix it
Use any utility like FireBug to edit the web page. Inside the 'submit changes' button, delete the class 'disabled'
And you can happily push the button to submit.
I just submitted my updates. Have you?

Source :: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1329747andpostcount=694

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clipbook Reloaded

Clipbook , one of my most interesting and useful apps, available for Symbian, s60 and MeeGo devices, the one which was awarded LinuxTag App Contest award has been hugely improved to v2.3 and released as a paid version (update only for Harmattan devices) .

The new version improvements are as follows, including most requested autostart and daemon features :-

• Redesigned UI 
• Background processing ability to keep saving entries even if app is turned off 
• Swipe to delete 
• Write to text file 
• User selectable auto start option 
• Optimized for minimum power usage (approx only 0.01% extra load)
• Minimum memory usage (few KBs)

It's been an pleasure to uphold the honor of that award and work on perfecting the app that gave me my first recognition in the developer world. Thanks go again to maemo.org community for their support and feedback.

The app will be soon available from Nokia store, as soon as it passes QA.
Download Link

The earlier free version, which doesn't have autostart or daemon and runs on an old algorithm is still available over at Nokia Store link . Due to some bugs at Nokia Store, I can't update that item to incorporate the new algorithm. If the store bug is not fixed soon, I will publish it as a new free app, (without autostart and daemon)

More updates are planned in recent times and works for Symbian and S60 version will be carried out if possible.